Friday, May 30, 2008

10 Signs That You're Addicted to Games

Somewhere along the line I realized that I can't live without games.
And I'm not just talking about Video Games. I'm talking about any game. Perhaps any activity that involves competition. And I always intend to win. =P
If it weren't for working, eating and sleeping, I'd probably be playing some sort of game 24/7.

So how do you know whether you're addicted?
If you can relate to the 10 signs of an addicted gamer, then I pray that you also got game with the ladies...

1. You've made up games

Gamers will turn any situation into an opportunity to find a new, super-awesome game.
Relaxing by the water? Turn rock skipping into a clay shooting competition.
Eating breakfast out? Use the creamers as baskets to play mini basketball.
I've even made a game with a poker table top and poker chips but without playing cards. (don't ask)

2. All-You-Can-Eat = Competition

8 friends going to an all-you-can-eat restaurant spells trouble. When they split us up into two tables of 4, it means war... I have left many restaurants unable to walk, and afraid of burping.

3. You don't go easy on your girlfriend

I'm sure a lot of guys don't follow this rule, but I've always followed the adage that it is my duty to try to win if I'm playing any game. It doesn't matter who you are, I will try my best, and that includes against the girlfriend. It just happens to be that a lot of the games I play include her. But as a bonus for kicking her butt for a while, she's improved very quickly, and is now a force when we play poker! (I also can't beat her at Dr. Mario)

4. You skipped school to play the release of a video game

One of the most disappointing games of all time, but I called in sick for Mortal (Kombat) Monday. Sweat replaced glory and all (Super Nintendo version). I never made that mistake again... Until Zelda, Ocarina of Time came out. =)

5. You've waited in line over 10 hours for that gaming system

It was a really fun time. I arrived at around midnight at the nearest Best Buy. I had some friends along for the ride. We watched Heroes, and played Handball and Hacky Sack. We chatted with the rest of the gamers in line about their favorite old video games, and we came away with 2 Nintendo Wii's and 1 PS3.

6. You've participated in a tournament that wasn't Poker or a Video Game

The tournament I entered was for Magic: The Gathering, the collectible card game. Yes I felt out of place, and didn't win a match, but I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. And I'll admit, I had a great time.

7. You've played a game from sunset to sunrise

Sometimes when the planets align just right, you can find a game that will immerse you to the point of forgetting about the natural calls of life. I'm sure Halo 3, Final Fantasy 7, Metal Gear Solid have all had their close to 24 hour sessions, but I was willed to wait in line for 10 hours, not sleep for over 48 hours, and play incessantly with every friend that wanted to try it out, when the Nintendo Wii and Wii Sports came out.

8. You can play poker seriously, even when it's NOT for money

How many people out there can honestly say that they can play their best poker, even if there's no money on the line?
Oh really? I remember when you said, "Meh I call, it's not for real anyways."

9. You've lost friends over a sport

It was our weekly basketball game in the gym I rent out for invites only. I remember my brother getting fouled by this guy (friend of a friend) under the basket, and I called foul for him. It was already pretty chippy at that point, so patience was wearing thin. A few angry words later and we were shouting, ready to fight. Luckily we were pulled apart before anything happened. I haven't seen that guy again...

10. You've forced a friend to repeat a year of school from a game

This one is so far-fetched for most people... But not for me... It was a game I introduced to 4 others in Residence at university. We were all addicted to the game. It was sick. Would I take it back if I could? Hell no... More on that next time.