Sunday, August 17, 2008

Diablo 3 - What a Tease

If you haven't watched the gameplay video. Do it now here.

And then if you're like me, start playing Diablo 2 again, to bring back the old days.
And if you're hardcore, start from the beginning, untwinked.
Though I'm only on the 2nd Act, it's giving me just enough of a taste to tide me over until D3.

I'm on the fence right now as to whether I want them to hurry up and finish the game, or patiently wait to make sure they make it as good as all the rest of their releases.

Of course knowing Blizzard, it'll be 2010 before it's released.
As per an interview with lead designer Jay Wilson here, "Development started on Diablo III in 2005 but it has since then undergone some major redesign. Currently, most of Act 1 is complete in terms of art and design, and the team has mostly moved on to Act 2. Four of the five classes are operational and at various levels of playability."

In my opinion, the major redesign is solely due to the success of World of Warcraft, which is why the gameplay video has such a bright look, with the icons looking 'oddly' familiar.
Being a WoW fan myself, not playing only because it's such a timesink, (and the monthly fee), I think Diablo 3 will be perfect for me.
It'll immerse me just under the level that WoW did, so that real life isn't affected too much. =P

Hurry up and release D3, but not until it's done...

Current Fav Games: Diablo 2, Halo 3

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