Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Halo 3: Why we're STILL playing

You could call me a "long-term relationship" gamer. Once I find a game I like I'll stick with it.
It happened with Tetris, DDR, Quake 2, Halo 2 and especially with Everquest and World of Warcraft.

Now 8 months after its release, I'm sitting here with my brother, about to start another game of Halo 3, (at 3am) and I'm wondering why the heck is this game so good that it keeps me coming back for more?

Something in science class is coming to mind... Something about neuro-receptors or neurons associating pleasure with the game. I'm sure in Halo 3, every time we kick another teams ass, some endorphins are released.

And considering I've been playing video games since I was 2 years old, (with Pac-Man on the Atari 2600) my brain must be fully hardwired to thinking that video games = enjoyment.

Since my brother also enjoys the same games, it's our family time. =)

Multi-player online games are what REALLY got me hooked.
Artificial Intelligence has vastly improved over the years, but to this day it doesn't compare to playing against live competition.
We can verbally strategize. Yell commands at each other. And thrill in the last minute heroics of getting the last key headshot that won us the game! (you should see my brother's reaction to getting teabagged)

We also love some of the little things about Halo 3.
1. Trying to decipher the names that people are using.
Most notably, "Watch out for S...Omega...S..."
"That's not S...Omega...S... That's Some...GaS"
2. Listening to little kids taunt us on the mic. It's amazing how many racist comments we hear on the mic, just because they're speaking online. (similar to comments Michael Richards made)

3. Or when we imagine the cancellation call with Microsoft:
"Hi I'd like to cancel my subscription. My tagname is Always High 123."

All in all, Halo 3 is one of those games that will keep me addicted for a long time... At least until Starcraft 2 or Diablo 3 comes out. =)

Current Fav Games: Halo 3, Online Poker, Trailers of Diablo 3


Anonymous said...

I don't play enough video games. I have been saving up for an X-box 360. I do like board games like "Ticket to Ride"!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, just because a game has been beaten, doesn't mean you stop playing. Me and my brother still play WWF Monday Night Raw (that's a SNES game) every chance we get.

Right now my current fav is RSV2.

Lisa Bananas said...

I don't know what it is, but I loved halo2 way more than 3 and now I just can't get hooked to 3...so sad, i miss those halo2 days...

Mike Lim said...

Lisa I wish you would start playing again.
Perhaps if you come over and we have a Halo party you'll enjoy it again?