Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Paintball: The Aftermath

A few days after paintball and we're still talking about it.

Some are talking about the amount of mosquito bites they got.

Some are doing a play-by-play of their favorite moments.

Some spent all weekend looking for paintball guns online.

Most are talking about how much fun it was...

It was definitely a great time, but as a first-person shooter addict, there are a two things that I wish could happen with paintball.

For one, I wish they didn't have to jack up the price of paintballs by so much. Online a box of 2000 paintballs would cost you $56 while it'll cost you $140 at the paintball place. Obviously this is where they make their money, and it could be deadly if people were allowed to bring their own "paintballs," but it sucks that it has to break the bank in order to play at full potential, I.e. Not conserving bullets because they're expensive.

Secondly, I wish everyone was forced to use the exact same gun. It doesn't seem fair to me that if you're willing to pony up the dough, you can have a big edge over everyone else. You can have a semi or fully automatic gun that shoots uber straight up to 250 yards. You can add a scope to the gun. You can add paintball clips so that you don't have to refill the canister in battle. And you can even buy a fan to add to your mask so that it doesn't fog up. I guess like everything in life, you get what you pay for.

But in the end, its a great game, and I would definitely do it again. We're planning to go again in August. =)

And with that, here's an email thread that I found hilarious. (I asked him before posting)

(friend 1) yo yo wasup rainbox six squad!

(friend 2) Theres six on this thread. coincidence? lol

(friend 1) LOL...ya time for'd be sick if we were all geared up.

(friend 2) like this?

The moral of the story is, bring repellent...

Fav Moment: When I took down 3 opponents in a game of defend the base

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