Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bringing Cards to Your Workplace

Do you like cards as much as I do? Well you can do what I did and bring card games to the lunchroom at work.

It can be a very delicate operation because it may be frowned upon by the higher-ups, but if you introduce it correctly, it can be the most enjoyable part of the day. =P
  1. Never play any games for money.

I don’t have to tell you that gambling is illegal in the workplace (except for lottery tickets or if you work in a casino) so don’t do it.

In the past we were playing poker daily, so you could hear chips being thrown around. On numerous occasions higher-ups would come up to us and ask, “Are you guys playing for money?” This is not a time to be sarcastic. Just say no!

  1. Don’t be too loud

We’ve had our rowdy moments. As long as you try to keep it to an “acceptable level,” you shouldn’t have any problems.

  1. Invite other People in the Lunch Room

The most flack you’ll get would be from the regulars in the lunchroom that feel like you’re invading their personal lunchtime. Make attempts to invite them to join, then they won’t feel left out, and you could make some work friends on top of that. If they decline, at least they’ll get a sense of acceptance that you’re sharing the space with them.

  1. Have Fun

What’s the point of playing if you aren’t enjoying yourself? We have a group of 11 of us that play whenever we have the chance, so we always have at least 7 people to throw friendly jabs at while we eat and play. =P

We’ve primarily played Texas Hold’em in the past, with stints of President, Euchre, and Hearts. Currently we’ve been playing this game called Redbeard. Never heard of it? Well I’m not even sure if that’s the real name for the game… More on that next time…
Current Fav Card Games: Redbeard, Texas Hold’Em, Omaha Hi/Lo


Anonymous said...

What? No Big Two?

Mike Lim said...

Definitely. I listed it as President which is a style of Big 2.