Friday, July 4, 2008

Way Back Play Back - Jones

Boy does this game ever bring back memories...
It was one of those games that my cousins and I would play, all huddled around the computer.

Jones in the Fast Lane is Sierra's take on the game of Life.
For up to 4 players, your goal was to make your character successful before everyone else.
You start off looking for a job at the Employment Office, (usually at Monolith Burgers),
then you need to work.
You can apply at Hi-Tech U in order to get degrees.
Don't forget to eat every week (usually Fries at Monolith Burgers).

You have to pay your rent every month, buy new clothes when they get old, and make sure you work enough each week.

As you progress, you can buy stuff for your house, like a Color TV, Stereo, and Fridge.
If you're unlucky, random bad events can occur, like getting robbed, getting a pay cut because of an economic downturn, or even losing your job.

You can find the game online by searching for abandonware.
It's definitely a fun, quick game to play with your friends.

Current Fav Old School Games: Jones, Colonization, Balloon Fight

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