Monday, June 2, 2008

DDR: How to Demonstrate the Game to Noobs

DDR is old news to most of us...
But there are still people out there that haven't even heard of it.
I'm not surprised, since there's still plenty of people in the world that can't get on the internet if the E (Internet Explorer) icon isn't on the desktop.
But I don't judge... I only want to impart my enjoyment of games to others. =)

So if you have friends over and you want to introduce them to the game. What should you do?
Well its more complicated than it seems.
If you demonstrate the game in the wrong way, then they'll get turned off, frustrated, or think youre having a flailing seizure. Or worse:

So here's my patented way of weening people into the game.

Make sure you're wearing outer and undergarments that will keep all your "goods" in place.
You wouldn't want your flabbage to be the cause of turning them off from the game.

Rule #1: Dont show them the most difficult level you can do...
Yes you've just passed Maxx Unlimited on heavy after a million tries.
But have you ever watched yourself look like a tard while doing it?
It should be obvious that when you're pushing yourself you usually have less body control.

I've made this mistake to a friend, who has said to this day that it was the most unattractive sight he's ever seen of me...
The first (and only) song I've shown him was Rhythm and Police (9 Foot Heavy).
I was ready... I stretched a little... I focused in...
The song starts, and I was going through the motions, kicking ass.
Finished with an A rank I believe.
Then I turn to him and he has a furrowed brow, and he's obviously thinking that I'm a freak.
That's when I realized that I single-handedly turned him off from the game in one fell swoop...

Rule #2: Pick a song that they're somewhat familiar with
I.E. don't pick RevenG Bag as the first song to show them...
Your goal is for their brain receptors to connect DDR with enjoyment.
So do yourself a favor and pick one of the popular songs that you have actually heard on the radio.
Some good suggestions are Sandstorm, Busy Child, I Like to Move it or Days Go By.

Rule #3: Try your best to make it look like youre dancing
The game IS called Dance Dance Revolution, so you may as well attempt to dance.
It's much easier if you pick the light or standard version of the song you've chosen.
Then embellish a little, bop your head, move your hands a little, don't be stiff.
If there isn't a step for a four count, you can move your foot back to the middle, cause it looks smoother

Rule #4: Have Fun
This time around, don't try to get a good cardio workout
Just enjoy the songs, and that should come across with the person you're demonstrating it to.

Good luck!
And in the words of Body Break with Hal Johnson and Joanne McCloud: Keep Fit and Have Fun!

Current Fav Games: Mario Kart Wii, DDR, Halo 3

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