Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wii Fit: First Impressions (Aerobics)

Ahh... The infamous Aerobics exercises that I've heard about. (Particularly the Hula Hoop)

Two words for Hula Hoop. Fun and hilarious!
Not only is it fun to play, but just watching people play is fun!
On top of all that, it's amazing how well girls do at this game. =))

Here's the 4 million view video:

Being a fan of DDR, I didn't have much expectations for Basic Step... And boy was I right.
It's boring and feels unresponsive. The song is quite repetitive, and it was waaay too easy for me.
Hopefully the Advanced version of step has more to offer.

The Basic Run was a pleasant surprise.
Sometimes the run wasn't responsive, but the scenery brought me into it, and seeing my Mii friends running around was a nice touch. I found myself running as close as possible to the screen in order to immerse myself.
Real runners will cringe at this activity though.
Also make sure you hold on to the Wii in your pocket, cause it fell out of pocket onto the ground a few times.

2P Basic run is the same thing, but with two people.
Depending on who you play with, you'll end up racing, and rolling numerous times. =)

2 fun games out of 3 ain't bad.
I wonder how the boxing game is...

Next up: Balance Games

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