Thursday, June 19, 2008

Free Money from Poker?

Could it be true?
Apparently yes!

A few months ago I received a letter and CD in the mail from offering me:

It goes on to say that there's no catch and it's an exclusive opportunity blah blah blah...
I totally didn't believe it, but I left it on a chair to collect dust.

So recently I found it on the chair again, and decided to give it a go.
Now it took me a good 30 minutes after installation to find the area to put in the bonus code, but I actually got $15 for free!

I was reading up on it and saw that it's very stringent before you're allowed to pull your money from Mansion Poker. Apparently they ask for a copy of your passport or driver's license. It's talked about on numerous sites and confirmed on mansion pokers' website here

If I'm able to turn my $15 into $500 then perhaps I'll consider it. =P

Despite my brother's suggestion to make one attempt in the biggest tourney I can afford with the $15, I decided to take the "slow and steady" approach, and take on the limit tables at 5cent/10cent.

After 3 sessions I'm happy to report that I'm up to $18.92! Lol retirement here I come!

Current Fav Games: Mansionpoker, Wii Fit

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