Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wii Fit: First Impressions (Balance Games and Final Words)

When I look back on Wii Sports, I think about the continuous hours of fun that my friends and I could have with only a handful of games. Could Wii Fit balance games bring the same fun factor? It will be a tall task.

Soccer Heading is fun minigame. However, like a lot of the games on Wii Play, they're more for show. They don't have the lasting factor that will keep you coming for more.
On top of that, in terms of exercise, it's not really beneficial in that way either.

Ski Slalom is a great game! I completely understand why Wii Ski came out. Even though it was such a quick minigame, it was engaging, it was frustrating, it was responsive, and it felt like skiing.

Ski Jump is also very enjoyable. I found myself going back for more, trying to beat my score. My gf's calves were hurting the next day from all the ski jumping she did.

Table Tilt is my favorite game of all the balance games. Unfortunately it ended too fast...

There's some Wii Play-esque type stuff here. There's some fun stuff but will I be playing them in a year? Unless I'm showing it to friends who haven't seen it, probably not.

I believe that it wouldn't be fair to base my review on only the first few hours, but probably at least a month of play.
If I am able to lose weight or get stronger, it would definitely affect my perception of the game.

So far, my feeling is that the game is not for everyone.
But if you were willing to buy a Wii in the first place, then you're willing to buy into innovative ideas.
You might like it after all...

Current Fav Games: Wii Fit, DDR, Halo 3

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