Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wii Fit: Eventual Review

Being Smarter Than the Average Bear, I realized that some of our friends haven't touched their Nintendo Wii's in a long time. So a phone call l8r and I have a Wii until I get it mine back from repair! Woot!

When the Wii arrives, I'm totally ready... This should only take a minute to start right? Hell no...

I totally didn't realize how long it takes to set up.
First I gotta hook it up.
Then I turn the Wii on.
Then I realize I need to sync the remotes.
I sync the remotes, and the Wii Board.
Then I turn on the Wii, and it tells me I need to do a Wii System Update.

*a few grueling minutes l8r*

Ok it's go time!
I load up Wii Fit.
Omg the Wii System Time is wrong...

*another few minutes l8r*

Aw crap my Mii's aren't on this Wii.
I load it up from the saves from my remote (luckily).

*another few minutes l8r*

After several screens, verifying my birthday, and setting a password (which I realize is pretty pointless), its finally time for the Body Test.

*measuring... measuring... measuring... All done!*

My Wii Age is 37! Boo!
At least I'm in the normal BMI range (though not by much).

In a few hours, the actual review...

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