Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wii Fit: First Impressions (Yoga)

Alright Yoga time! (I guess)

I'm normally pretty open to trying new things, but I was sure that Yoga wouldn't be my favorite part of the game.
However, I've tried yoga with the gf at home once, and I'll admit that it was very relaxing, almost too relaxing... To the point of falling asleep.

When the screen loads, there's only 4 poses to start.
The first exercise, Deep Breathing, is relaxing... But in the back of my head I was thinking that this better not count as one of the 40 activities.

The real highlight of the first 4 activities for me is the tree pose.
The first time I did it, I nearly fell off the board.
Needless to say, the Tree Pose is tough for a yoga noob.

Obviously you can guess that the gf beat me on every yoga activity.

Something to note. Switching out between profiles seems like a chore.

For guys: You probably won't enjoy the Yoga.
For girls: It's relaxing, and you'll probably kick guys asses at it.

Next up: Strength Training!

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