Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wii Back from Repair!

I was quite surprised when I heard the good news.
My Wii is in from repair!

And it came back a week sooner than I expected!

One thing to note is that all of my game downloads and channels were gone, but upon inspection of the shopping channel, all my games are freely downloadable.
I was hoping that they'd give me my points back so that I could purchase different games, but that deal would be too good.

The second thing I noticed was that all my Mii's are no longer editable.
It definitely sucks but at least I didn't lose them all. (Yay Jordi Laforge and David Susuki Mii's)

All in all a good day... Except that I have to start over on unlocking everything in Wii Fit. (I was using my friends' Wii)
At least I have a Wii age of 24 now woot!

Current Fav Games: Wii Fit, Online Poker

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