Saturday, June 7, 2008

Trials and Tribulations of getting Wii Fit

I'm sure there are many people out there that feel really dumb not to pre-order Wii Fit.
Guess what? It's been sold out everywhere and unless you want to bay $50 more on Ebay you weren't going to get one for a while.

I've been checking the stores constantly...

I went to Best Buy a few times (always sold out) and they said that last Friday morning, they had 150 units come in.
Unfortunately they had 300 people line up that morning. So 150 people went home unhappy...
Best Buy says check on Fridays.

I went to Future Shop a few times (always sold out) and they said to come in on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. They were all very helpful though, which is nice.

I went to The Source a few times (always sold out) and they have no idea when they get their shipments.
Apparently they only received 2 copies of the game in their last shipment. (very sad)
Also, the sales reps that I spoke too seemed very annoyed (obviously by the amount of times he's been asked the question). Hopefully for the store's sake it was just that sales rep.

Despite the unlikeliness, I went to HMV, hoping it was there. Of course it wasn't, and he said that every shipment that has come in never made it to the shelves cause ppl were there waiting for the copies to come out the door.

I thought about going into the Sony Store and asking if they had Wii Fit... I chuckled and moved on.

I've been to EB Games three times.
The first two times with no success.

But the third time was the charm...
A friend and I walked in, and he asked the obvious question.
No was the reps reply... Grrr...

When are you expecting more asks my friend?
"Well lucky for you a Purolator shipment is scheduled to come in in 90 minutes."

No f 'in way!

I looked at my friend, knowing he had to leave soon, and I said "l8r man I'm sticking around!"
And I was immediately on the phone, calling a friend to head over since he wanted a copy.
Luckily for me I was the only one in the store looking for the game. (I think the release of Ninja Gaiden 2 had something to do with it)

So I stood there... And chatted it up with the rep.
What he didn't know was that I wanted a 2nd copy to give as a gift.
At the same time, my friend might not make it in time.
I had to hedge my bets and try to pick up 3 copies...
He turned out to be a really nice guy.

He told me that he's become desensitized by the amount of times he's heard the same question, every time there's a big release.
I suggested putting up Sold Out signs.
Apparently they've tried that... People will miss the sign completely, or will literally look at the sign, read it, and ask, "So it really IS sold out?"
That probably would piss me off even more. =P
So eventually he allowed me to take two copies.

40 minutes l8r the shipment arrives.
They were expecting 15 copies, but the shipment only had 10.
After being on the phone a final time (in front of the rep), I knew my friend wasn't going to make it in time.
I guess he was feeling awfully generous, but he allowed me to pick up a third copy (using another credit card).

Is it worth all the hype? I dunno yet... I haven't got my Wii back from repair!
But what I do know is that the gf is excited, and I'm all for any games that she wants to play as well.

Current Fav Games: DDR, Halo 3, Soon to be Wii Fit

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